Music Fog

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Kristin Andreassen "Some Do"

Some hot breaking news that hits the street today. There is a new Americana station taking its bow in Nashville in a week, on September 2! WMOT Roots Radio will be found at 89.5 in Middle Tennessee. It will be streaming on line and on our app, as well. I'll be on the air daily doing afternoon. We thank the folks at MTSU for this amazing opportunity to bring Americana Music to a city that so many Americana artists call home.  We can't wait to get started!

Back a long time ago, I had the honor of putting a national Americana channel on the air at XM Radio. To prepare for it, I sat with head phones on and dug through the mighty digital music library that had been procured for the launch of the service. (I use to refer to it as the world’s largest iPod.) For months, it was solitary work, while I built the library for what would become X Country. Thousands of songs were picked, and after web were rocking for a few years, I received an email from a listener which basically asked, “Where are all the women?” It was true. At that point there was a 80/20 male to female split. We used to joke about it being a sausage fest, but that is no more.

I don’t think we have ever had as much music by women as Music Fog has been presenting this year. And the glory of it all is that they are different sonically form one another. Each brings her own personality and spin. One of my favs is Kristin Andreassen. We actually hooked up with her a year or so ago, in New York City. Kristin is always moving, always grooving. Back in May, her song "The Fish & The Sea" was in an episode of the TV show Nashville. She is on tour later this month, into autumn.  And back in 2011, Kristin founded Miles of Music Camp, an artist retreat for musicians exploring the connections between songwriting and traditional music. They present annual Miles of Music events in Brooklyn, Boston and New Hampshire. Today we bring you the Music Fog recording of “Some Do." Kristin does, that is for sure!

- Jessie Scott