Bob Livingston: The Wild East

Bob_tablaThere are two huge inspirations for what we're doing with video on this site: Anthony Bourdain and Bob Livingston. Bourdain makes his living traveling the world, learning about different cultures by sharing food. Livingston does the same thing, but music is his food.

Livingston is currently working on a feature-length documentary called "The Wild East." Here's the basic set-up: Over the course of the last decade the US State Department has been sending Livingston and his son Tucker to countries like India, Pakistan, and Nepal to share their music and learn about cultures. We have no idea when the film will be released, but the clips that we've seen look amazing. He's got a 12-minute demo on his Facebook site but you'll need to friend him in order to see it. We've posted the YouTube clip below. The Facebook video is higher quality, but this will give you an idea of where his head is at..

We're always up front with people when we use their content on this site so Jessie shot Livingston an email to ask for permission to post his video. She got this response:

"Oh yeah, please do. I'm in India now at the end of a twisty turney dirt road internet cafe. I bathe in a river and saw an elephant arguing with a monkey yesterday."

Good luck, Bob. Watch out for those monkeys...

-Ben Krech