Wagons "I Blew It"

(Explicit Lyrics)

I had this ersatz corned beef sandwich at some fast food chain restaurant I had never heard of. It had a big sign in the window that said it was a "New York style deli." I am from New York, and lately I had been craving a taste of home, so I walked inside. No bagels, or rye bread…that’s not a good sign. Hmmmm, I was thinking, maybe I shouldn’t do this, but the corned beef and pastrami looked like it was “the kind.” So I bit the bullet and I ordered. It took forever for my sandwich to come. It had cheese on it (I didn’t ask for cheese!). It bore no resemblance to what you would get at the world famous Carnegie Deli, a sandwich piled high with slices of bright pink corned beef, warm from the steam table. This place only offered it on white or wheat bread, rye wasn’t even a choice. Bah Humbug.

Thank goodness when it comes to the music, authenticity is not specific to a region! Wagons are from Down Under, led by frontman Henry Wagons. So there is no “the” at the front of their name. They deliver as they call it, ‘Melodramatic Popular Song.” The 5th album from the men from Melbourne is Rumble, Shake and Tumble and it is coming out in a couple of days on May 6th in Australia and New Zealand, but hey, I guess you can just pay the extra postage! It takes a global village. We couldn’t help but book them when we had the chance during SXSW. It was joy! “I Blew It” is insinuating, jangly, infectious. Dig the Music Fog Marathon version from back in March at Threadgill’s.

-Jessie Scott