Dash Rip Rock "Paint The Town Red"

“It’s been a long cold lonely winter.” (Here Comes The Sun – George Harrison) and DAMN if I am not ready to embrace the spring and all it means. Today we traipsed around in shirtsleeves for the first time this season. Winter has been a grueling marathon of greying days and grizzled faces shrouded in sub-freezing temperatures. Temperate weather is finally here! It means clunky boots left behind, and stripping off layers of clothing. Feels so free, Feels so fine. I remember being that carefree, but damn, I have to ask, whatever happened to fun anyway? When you could go out, loosen the tie, shake the tail, stir up a spell, grab yourself a libation and PLAY.

Now whenever I am feeling like that’s what I need, I look for a cathartic music experience, and since Dash Rip Rock comes from the "melt your face" school of music - you know he can deliver. Dash is in the midst of the “new cycle,’ raising money by crowd sourcing to get the new album Wrongheaded, done and delivered. They are at 79% of goal at Pledge Music, and they are offering some creative options that will engage you in the band beyond what most folks will ever see, let alone have access to. Me, I want the red boots… Take a look at the offerings here.

This Friday night, Dash Rip Rock is set to play Midtown Live, 251  30th Street in NYC. It has been a hard winter, but let us revel in the rite-of-passage into spring. Remember those nights we were out to get whatever life had to offer? No holds barred, no pursuit too outlandish...That is what we are celebrating when Dash Rip Rock is in the house. Be prepared to pogo.

So here is Dash Rip Rock "Paint the Town Red" from the stage at Threadgill’s in Austin Texas during our Music Fog Marathon at SXSW11. It’s just a taste. And we are doing it old school in standard definition - recorded to tape. I can't wait to get some for real!

-Jessie Scott