Steff Mahan "Concrete Shoes"

One of my favorite moments with Music Fog was our Hot Springs, Eternal video, which captures a stop at bath house during a long drive to Texas. Beans is quoted, “I feel like cottage cheese,” after his treatment. Funny stuff, and thanks to Luke Doucet and Melissa McClelland, AKA Whitehorse, for the music featured in the video, “Longhaul Driver.” Their new album is a modern take on blues, super cool. I just got done with an hour of deep tissue massage, what with going to Texas last weekend to start the process of getting all my belongings together here in Nashville. I am beyond excited to see all my stuff in the same city. But moving 2000 pounds of CDs is, well, physically challenging, shall we say, even with the aid of Denver O’Neal and David Stewart. And they did the heaving lifting. Exciting times indeed!

Photo Credit: Glass Jar PhotographyBack in Nashville, everything is going on. Getting ready for another AmericanaFest, while entertaining friends and family for summer visits. Nashville is such an ‘it’ town. In January the Foggers came and conquered, and we filmed for three days at 3rd & Lindsley in the Backstage Events room. Cathy Mac, who rocks the audio there, told us we should hook up a session with a buddy of hers who was working on a new album. Her name is Steff Mahan, and we invited her in. She is the rarest of creatures, she was actually raised here in Nashville! She is gigging next week at The Capitol in Lebanon, TN, just in case you are in the ‘hood. The song she performed for us is called "Concrete Shoes." Now where I come from in NYC, that had a 'sleep with the fishes' connotation, but Steff's not that kind of girl.

- Jessie Scott