The Cerny Brothers "Days of Thunder"

The Cerny Brothers are putting a record out on my friend Steve Popovich’s label, as he has relaunched Cleveland International, started by my life long music biz running buddy Steve Popovich Sr. who sadly, passed in 2011. Still miss him so much, he was a magical music man, with cassettes with new tunes in every pocket of his suit coat. You never knew what he was going to play next and he had the best ears ever. He was a kindred spirit, motivated by music. Oh, the stories he would tell. I wish that someone would capture these behind the scenes tales from the folks who helped birth the music. They had the zaniest stories to share when we would sit around and reminisce. 

On to the future. The Cerny Brothers make a whole lotta music for just two folks on stage. Scott and Bob Cerny have been making music for almost their entire lives. They are now both Nashville residents, and their new album, Looking For The Good Land, comes out next Friday. They are spirited lyricists and dynamic players. Here is the Music Fog recording of one of their new tunes, Days of Thunder, recorded here in Nashville in February.

- Jessie Scott